Healthy Eating


In this section of the learning centre, we provide our guide to healthy eating. Too often healthy eating is cloaked in complex language or presented in overwhelming detail or as part of a whole 'body' plan. Yet eating good, healthy food is the most basic, most powerful way to improve health and it can all be very simple.

It's something we say often at kokumi: eating healthy meals is one of the easiest, most effective ways to nourish your health. It's also one of the most enjoyable. Eat well and you'll prepare your body for most of what life will throw at it. Eat poorly and the reverse will be true. Simply put, good, nourishing food, cooked at home, has a huge list of benefits.

Preparing and eating healthy meals will:

  • Help your body fend off disease and ill-health
  • Put you in a position to get more from sports and exercise
  • Improve your sleep
  • Amp up your energy levels and feelings of wellbeing
  • Help put you into a positive frame of mind

There's clearly a lot to unpack here and it'd be easy to veer off straight into some of the more demanding aspects of nutrition. But. It's our belief that the best approach is to strip away the complexity and padding that many in the food and nutrition community use to give their statements or advice a veneer of scientific credibility. And instead start with the very, very basics.