

I'm loving kokumi.ai and looking forward to your paid plans. Can I support you in the meantime?

First of all - thank you. And yes, you can. Hit the coffee cup up there in the menubar to buy us a coffee as often as you like over on Buy Me A Coffee. It's that easy!

Why does kokumi.ai choose to not include the cooking instructions from each recipe on the site?

It's our belief that to be good web citizens we should direct traffic to the original content site. At kokumi.ai we aim to provide a high quality nutritional overlay for the recipe web and to allow for easy meal selection and meal plan management. That does not mean passing off other sites' content as our own or 'stealing' traffic that rightfully belongs to the content originator.

I have a great idea for a feature. How can I let you know what it is?

That's easy, we love to hear from our users. Head over to our feedback page and you can share as much as you wish with us. What's more you can expect a reply.

I found a recipe that doesn't look right. Where can I report it?

We'd be delighted to hear from you. We put a huge amount of effort into making our database as accurate as possible but now and then something rogue might have slipped through. Head over to our feedback page to let us know. We'll not only fix it we'll write to you to say thanks and let you know what we did.

Why do some items like carrots appear more than once on the shopping list?

Recipes are unpredictable, all sorts of measurement units get used, tsps, cups, lbs, grams and sometimes none - 4 carrots. We do a lot of conversion for you so we can consolidate lots of these units into one metric amount but sometimes it make more sense to use a combination.

Where one recipe calls for 4 carrots and another calls for 400g carrots we could consolidate these but we choose to leave them separate to better align with the recipes themselves.

While no-one goes out to buy a tsp of cumin seeds (so it makes sense to convert that to grams), lots of people do go out to buy 4 carrots or 400g carrots.

What should I do when my shopping list says to buy a serving?

We see this a lot in recipes on the web, 'rice to serve' or simply an ingredient line with just the ingredient 'Green salad'. In these cases the recipe author is leaving up to you how much to use and so we use 'serving' in our shopping list to leave it up to you how much to use.

Why are my sides and extras in their own category?

We plan to address this in a future update when we will also add the macros and nutrients associated with your sides and extras to the overall values for the meal. It's quite a complex business to match to potentially 1000's of ingredients but we 100% plan to add this feature.